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Forging Partnership for Road Safety Campaigns

Prioritizing Africa and Southeast Asia

Dear Crisis Intel Community,

We’re writing to share an important shift in our strategic focus. Considering the alarming global statistics of road accidents, we’ve decided to prioritize our efforts on road safety awareness in Africa and Southeast Asia, two regions disproportionately affected by this crisis.

According to the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018 by the World Health Organization (WHO), these areas account for a significant percentage of the world’s 1.35 million annual road traffic deaths, while having far fewer of the world’s vehicles. This compelling data underscores the urgency for increased, targeted action.

Road safety campaigns can be a game-changer. They raise awareness about safe road use practices, advocate for improved infrastructure, promote the use of protective equipment, and push for stronger legislative measures on speed limits, alcohol use, and distracted driving.

As Crisis Intel, with our wealth of experience in crisis management, we believe we can make a positive impact.

Here’s how we plan to focus our efforts:

Public Awareness and Education:

Working with our Global Partners, our campaigns will educate people about crucial road safety rules, like speed limit adherence, helmet and seatbelt use, and the dangers of drinking and driving.

Advocacy for Infrastructure Improvement:

We’ll lobby for local governments to invest in road infrastructure, reducing accident-prone zones. This includes advocating for safer pedestrian pathways, better road signs and markings, safer intersections, and adequate street lighting.

Promoting Legislative Changes:

We plan to collaborate with local governments to enforce tighter road safety laws and regulations. Stricter penalties for traffic violations and tougher vehicle safety standards will be our key areas of focus.

Training and Capacity Building:

Working with local communities, we aim to provide training on emergency response, basic first aid, and life-saving techniques – particularly useful in remote areas where professional medical help may not be immediately available.

The scale of the road safety crisis in Africa and Southeast Asia necessitates our concentrated efforts. We believe this aligns well with Crisis Intel’s mission to mitigate risks and effectively respond to crises. Together, we can make a significant difference, potentially saving countless lives and preventing serious injuries.

We appreciate your support and invite you to join us on this mission to enhance road safety. Your involvement can help transform lives in these critical regions.

Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to get involved!

Best regards,

The Crisis Intel Team