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  • Dr. Charles Ogutu


Road Auto Accidents Dont Just happen

It is a thought-provoking observation to say that “Road or Auto Accidents Don’t Just Happen as Most are Avoidable.” This statement rings with truth, and...

Airports and Plane Crush Accidents

Airports, as hubs for air travel, play an essential role in ensuring the safety of passengers, staff, and the general public. One critical area that...

Earthquakes and resilient Road Infrastructure

Road infrastructure is one of the critical backbones of a region’s economy, enabling transport of goods, services, and people. Maintaining the structural integrity of these...

Road or Auto Accidents Don’t Just Happen as Most are Avoidable.

It is a thought-provoking observation to say that “Road or Auto Accidents Don’t Just Happen as Most are Avoidable.” This statement rings with truth, and...

Tornadoes and climate change both pose significant threats to human life, ecosystems, and property

Tornadoes and climate change both pose significant threats to human life, ecosystems, and property. Let’s explore each in detail: Tornadoes: These are some of the...