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Pandemic disaster is a disease outbreak that occurs over a wide area or geographically and affecting a exceptionally high proportion of the population. There have been various pandemics over a period of time since the beginning of the 20th century; the H1N1pandemic of 2009, the Spanish flu of 1918/19 ( Which did not originate in Spain), as well as the flu pandemics in the 1957 and 1968, and now the COVID-19 pandemic of the 2019/20.

Guidance Before a Pandemic-

  • Access and store additional supplies of food and water
  • Make sure to have adequate prescription drugs supply level if any
  • Have extra nonprescription drugs with you such as cough and cold medicines, pain relivers, stomach remedies, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins.
  • Store safely electronically your medical records from doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other sources.
  • Discuss with family members and loved ones how they would be taken care of should they fall ill during such trying periods within your home space and environment.
Author: admin

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