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Homeland security

NOAA 2023 -Hurricane Season Revised Outlook

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), a key division of the U.S. Department of Commerce, has recently accentuated the importance of disaster preparedness, given the changing atmospheric conditions influenced by global warming. Such changes, particularly in the form of record-warm Atlantic sea surface temperatures, are notably impacting weather phenomena like hurricanes and tornadoes. In […]

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Commentary on Emergency Management and Global Warming Report

Given the consistent data on global temperature rises from the report, it’s evident that regions around the world are becoming more susceptible to the impacts of climate change. Such impacts, like the catastrophic fires in Hawaii, are becoming more intense and frequent. Here’s how emergency management could have better responded given the knowledge from

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Devastating Fires in Hawaii- A Wake Up Call

The recent devastating fires in Hawaii, particularly in the historic town of Lahaina, resulted in the death of at least 55 individuals. Scientists attribute the severity of these fires to multiple factors, prominently climate change. As per Guardin report, Global warming has made areas of Hawaii prone to fire by causing vegetation to dry out,

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National Guard : Advancing Democracy Through Security & Defense Pact Across The Globe

According to an Associated Press report, Switzerland, Finland, and Sweden are considering establishing security ties with the U.S. National Guard. This move indicates an end to their long-standing policies of military nonalignment, prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The report notes that Finland and Sweden are currently discussing partnerships, while Switzerland is evaluating the benefits

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Critical infrastructure, National Security – Homeland Security

Critical infrastructure refers to the sectors and systems that are integral to national security, the economy, and society’s functioning. These can include transportation (like rail networks), energy, water, telecommunications, financial services, healthcare, and government facilities. Protecting, maintaining, and upgrading this infrastructure is vital for a multitude of reasons. 1. Ensuring Safety and Preventing Disasters: As

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Case Study: The 1998 US Embassy Bomb Blast in Nairobi, Kenya,

The 1998 US Embassy Bomb Blast in Nairobi, Kenya, provides a stark lesson about the impact of government bureaucracy on disaster prevention and homeland security efforts. The then US Ambassador to Kenya had raised concerns about the embassy’s vulnerability to attacks but was met with inaction from the Department of State. This unfortunate incident underscores

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