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July 2023

Road Auto Accidents Dont Just happen

It is a thought-provoking observation to say that “Road or Auto Accidents Don’t Just Happen as Most are Avoidable.” This statement rings with truth, and it’s a crucial point that often goes under-emphasized in conversations about road safety. Automobile accidents often result from a cascade of factors rather than a single, isolated event. They typically […]

Road Auto Accidents Dont Just happen Read More »

Earthquakes and resilient Road Infrastructure

Road infrastructure is one of the critical backbones of a region’s economy, enabling transport of goods, services, and people. Maintaining the structural integrity of these routes is especially challenging in earthquake-prone regions, where natural disasters can cause significant damage. 1. Structural Damage: Earthquakes can cause enormous physical damage to road infrastructure. Surface ruptures can lead

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Road or Auto Accidents Don’t Just Happen as Most are Avoidable.

It is a thought-provoking observation to say that “Road or Auto Accidents Don’t Just Happen as Most are Avoidable.” This statement rings with truth, and it’s a crucial point that often goes under-emphasized in conversations about road safety. Automobile accidents often result from a cascade of factors rather than a single, isolated event. They typically

Road or Auto Accidents Don’t Just Happen as Most are Avoidable. Read More »